Thursday 30 June 2016

Settling in and Settling Down
Week 10
My Assistant has been a bit preoccupied recently so my post is a little delayed but here we are now. 
We had a lot of rain recently. She says me & Thomas are wimps for not wanting to go out in it. We still refuse. 

Anna-next-door has become fully trained

I have discovered that the nice lady next door has a key to our house. If I get caught in the rain when Dog Monster has taken my Assistant out I go to Anna & tell her & she will let me indoors.

This happened the other day. We all sat on her close up. She complained saying she felt crowded! 
No pleasing some people!

It is nice having Thomas here as we go out together quite a bit. He has also been useful in upgrading the food as he insisted on better standards almost immediately.

Dog Monster & I are still getting on OK but he is always a bit stand offish. I usually make the first move but even if I jump on him he tends to ignore me.

Thanks for reading
(OJ, Jason)

Tuesday 21 June 2016

New dynamics  
Week 9

The arrival of Thomas has really changed everything at our house. He & I have been getting on really well & we play outside together now. It's nice to have a companion even if he doesn't like staying out as much as I do.

This is us in the back garden

This is us out the back together

There was a blip last week because She & I sort of fell out. She seemed to really object when I caught two rabbits - on two different days. She shouted at me & said she couldn't trust me. I took it to heart especially as Thomas & She are besotted with one another & I was feeling a bit pushed out. I'd tried not to show it but bringing rabbits was obviously not the best way to get back in her good books.

She finds Thomas comical sometimes

He puts his feet in the water!

At time of writing I haven't brought anything dead back for 5 days & she has mellowed.
We are friends again.

This shows my bells. There are three now.
The collar comes off at night when we are all indoors.

And of course She's been worried about Dog Monster & keen to make sure he felt OK.
One night we all went to sleep in the spare room & she was thrilled to bits.

Can you see me in the corner in my igloo?

Love from Othello 
(also known as OJ and Jason!)

Saturday 11 June 2016

A Visitor has arrived
Week 7.5

Photo of Thomas by Keighley Cat Care

Some of you have already heard that Thomas, my old mate from Foster Care, has come on a visit. I didn't recognise him at first, thought some cheeky fella was trying to muscle in on my "very nice thank you" new home. It turned out to be Thomas.

Here we are in the old days in Keighley

It's unclear if he is going to stay but looking at Her & Thomas together I'd say it's a done deal.

He went "missing" today. She was distraught. I knew he'd be back but you can't tell her anything. She was looking for him all over. 
He went over a high fence because she'd blocked up the easy access hole at the bottom thinking he would stay in the garden.

Just cos he's 13 doesn't mean he can't jump!

I can walk along the back fence - but it's easier to go under

Here I am demonstrating use of the hole in the fence

And this is me beating up a cushion. 
Anything Dog Monster can do I can too!

Speaking of the Dog Monster he doesn't seem to mind Thomas joining us at all!  It seems so long as he gets all his usual treats & walks he's OK with it.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Mister Two Bells!
(week 7)

Not sure if having another bell put on my collar is a compliment or not? Is it like getting a medal? It seems to be because of my achievement in moving so very quietly that I have caught some mice & a couple of birds while wearing it. She doesn't seem to like me catching things & chases me out of the house if I bring them to her.

It's been very hot here so I have been sitting in undergrowth a lot. She gets a bit cross sometimes when She's too hot & calls me & Dog Monster names. She speaks to us as "the pair of you" which I think is quite nice as I feel included. Although it's usually something like "the pair of you are being really annoying"!

Here's "the pair of us"

This is a spot where I hang out quite a bit in the garden
I haven't quite mastered tree climbing yet but I'm practising

Do you like my feet in this picture?

She said I looked funny here. I was just catching some rays

Bye for now