Saturday 15 October 2016

Life goes on.....

Since I got out of Prison things have settled down very satisfactorily. It's as if the whole business made The Assistant more contented with our lifestyle & she doesn't complain as much as she used to do.

I have also found another way to make her smile. I wait outside until she comes out with Dog Monster for his Last Walk of the Night. It's always after a radio programme in the evening - 'dumtedum' or something like that. Dog Monster usually barks as they set off. 

I then appear from a nearby garden & accompany them all the way round the block
She loves it, especially if I run alongside the Dog Monster so we're walking together
We've also got a new pod to sit in outside if she isn't around when we want to come in. It's here in a picture with the other two. It's pretty cool, don't you think?

Things can be quite harmonious although me & Thomas still have sparring matches. Shirley-who-lives-opposite laughs at us & says we're like wrestlers. 

I've been perfecting my Loaf posture. What do you think? Should I win a prize?

So, life goes on & the household is pretty happy. So long as she remembers I need lots of Dreamies & Thomas gets his chicken we co-operate. We don't wake her up early every day now as it's dark in the mornings. But we do chase up & down stairs when we think it's time for our breakfasts.

Lots of Love from
Othello / OJ / Jason