Thursday 6 July 2017

July already!

I know I often say this but I have been extremely busy. My outside duties have become 24/7 thanks to my persistence. The Assistant has given in & is allowing me to be out any time I want to. Isn't that great?! I wore her down.

It's funny really, she says she loves me more & more. I think it's because I am around more when she is awake so we have lots of cuddles. I have become a handsome adult though haven't I?

Thomas is still my best mate although he fights me over food, especially if there's a decent treat - this picture was when the Assistant had bought some turkey reduced at her shopping place.

Thomas has been steadily working on another food upgrade. He lost his appetite a bit when it was very hot weather so the Assistant was desperate for him to return to constantly asking for food. Lately he has rejected most of her offerings until she hit on a new 'posher' sort. He's an expert negotiator.

This scene with us all together keeps the Assistant sweet. We have the Dog Monster under control. He has his own Twitter account now @DDogMonster which keeps him occupied.

Dog Monster is missing Anna-next-door who has gone away without him &, even worse, with two other dogs!!

I don't fancy that myself - all that water & no trees

So, all in all, life chugs along quite merrily. I catch lots of little creatures but the Assistant always disappears them so I tend now just to eat them up. 

I have nice teeth!

So, I'll say bye for now & promise to try to write to you a bit sooner next time.
Lots of Love
Othello / OJ / Jason