Thursday 28 April 2016

Some photos

This is Thomas who was a good mate of mine in Foster care in Keighley. He is 13 & has half a tail. He is very friendly. It would be nice if he could come & live here with me but apparently Dog Monster has to be consulted & may not agree. Sigh.
This is Dog Monster. He doesn't look so monsterish does he? He has a hold over Her though & seems to run this household. I am working on it!
Here I am on the special cat 'tree' she got for me. I haven't used it much as I prefer to use existing perches like the ones Dog Monster likes!
And this is me looking quite cute.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Week One in a new home

A lot has happened in one week. I was removed from my lovely foster home which I shared with lots of friends, & especially Thomas. More of him later (when She learns to add photos).
I did cry once we got moving in the car. It was only 45 minutes but I managed to keep up the wailing for that time, although not so very loud, to be fair.
When we arrived at my new place there was a Dog Monster who sniffed at me in my carrier. I hissed at him twice & he backed off. I was satisfied that that was him put in his place & this has proved to be the case. She does keep telling him to stand up for himself but I have the matter in hand, don't worry.
She seems to be very attached to the Dog Monster & I try every day to be his friend. He is actually quite interesting & I follow him around & bump him as often as possible. He seems rather aloof. She says that's just his way & he may come round if I back off a bit. She laughs & says it's like a big brother being followed by an annoying little brother but I don't really understand that.
She has tried to please me by getting lots of different kinds of food in. I discovered quite early on that the Dog Monster has ham included in his tea so I have managed to establish that I get some for my tea as well. He had some mince the other day which was nice too. Otherwise I am not over impressed with the food on offer apart from the biscuits & there are plenty of Dreamies, thank goodness. I know where she keeps the packet so help myself if she doesn't get enough out.
The big news is I am now allowed out on my own for as long as I want. Yesterday I went away for more than two hours which She seemed to think was too long as I heard her voice calling a little while before I decided to come back. She says I'm like the Cheshire Cat as I suddenly appear out of nowhere. It's in a book called Alice in Wonderland apparently.
Anyway I caught two birds the first day I was let out completely on my own. That was fun but She didn't appreciate it. She says I can't put any under the sofa again. I got another today, despite having a collar with a bell round my neck (ugh!), & left her some on the path - both legs & another bit. Again She seemed unappreciative, didn't thank me at all.
Oh & I've been given some extra names. She says Othello can be my Twitter name, whatever that means, & a pen name. She calls me Jason & sometimes it's OJ, short for Othello Jason. She says BoJo is called something else at home - well, he'd need to be with a name like that - & what is good enough for Boris Johnson is good enough for me. I'm not too bothered about a name so long as I have my freedom.
I understand my foster carers have been enquiring after me. I want to tell them I am very happy & to thank them for all they have done for me to get me to this point. She says for a one eyed cat to catch 3 birds in 2 days must be something of a record. I will continue to do my best.