Wednesday 27 April 2016

Week One in a new home

A lot has happened in one week. I was removed from my lovely foster home which I shared with lots of friends, & especially Thomas. More of him later (when She learns to add photos).
I did cry once we got moving in the car. It was only 45 minutes but I managed to keep up the wailing for that time, although not so very loud, to be fair.
When we arrived at my new place there was a Dog Monster who sniffed at me in my carrier. I hissed at him twice & he backed off. I was satisfied that that was him put in his place & this has proved to be the case. She does keep telling him to stand up for himself but I have the matter in hand, don't worry.
She seems to be very attached to the Dog Monster & I try every day to be his friend. He is actually quite interesting & I follow him around & bump him as often as possible. He seems rather aloof. She says that's just his way & he may come round if I back off a bit. She laughs & says it's like a big brother being followed by an annoying little brother but I don't really understand that.
She has tried to please me by getting lots of different kinds of food in. I discovered quite early on that the Dog Monster has ham included in his tea so I have managed to establish that I get some for my tea as well. He had some mince the other day which was nice too. Otherwise I am not over impressed with the food on offer apart from the biscuits & there are plenty of Dreamies, thank goodness. I know where she keeps the packet so help myself if she doesn't get enough out.
The big news is I am now allowed out on my own for as long as I want. Yesterday I went away for more than two hours which She seemed to think was too long as I heard her voice calling a little while before I decided to come back. She says I'm like the Cheshire Cat as I suddenly appear out of nowhere. It's in a book called Alice in Wonderland apparently.
Anyway I caught two birds the first day I was let out completely on my own. That was fun but She didn't appreciate it. She says I can't put any under the sofa again. I got another today, despite having a collar with a bell round my neck (ugh!), & left her some on the path - both legs & another bit. Again She seemed unappreciative, didn't thank me at all.
Oh & I've been given some extra names. She says Othello can be my Twitter name, whatever that means, & a pen name. She calls me Jason & sometimes it's OJ, short for Othello Jason. She says BoJo is called something else at home - well, he'd need to be with a name like that - & what is good enough for Boris Johnson is good enough for me. I'm not too bothered about a name so long as I have my freedom.
I understand my foster carers have been enquiring after me. I want to tell them I am very happy & to thank them for all they have done for me to get me to this point. She says for a one eyed cat to catch 3 birds in 2 days must be something of a record. I will continue to do my best.


  1. Hi OJ, can I call you OJ? Glad you're settling in to your new home and learning to live with Dog Monster. DM is very nice really as long as you give him time to get used to you. Don't overdo it with the birds, she won't like it. �� Looking forward to hearing how you get on and seeing your photos

  2. Thank you for your kind comments Beanie's Mum. I am refusing to wear a collar with a bell on. Am I being unreasonable?

  3. Probably, but so was (is) Beanie. It doesn't make her a bad cat, just awkward. We still love her though xx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi OJ, it's not easy doing pics on this thing! Will send you some when I know how to do it

  4. Good photos OJ, didn't realise you were so photogenic. Choose your moment to pursue adopting your Ginger mate. DM likely to take it badly, but she might be able to persuade him.
