Monday 22 August 2016

A lot of rain

Even the Assistant thinks there's too much rain. She finds it a challenge to get Dog Monster out for his regular walks. On this wet morning the house is very peaceful as we all know we may as well sleep given the weather outside.

Me & Thomas are getting on just fine. I have turned my attacks on to Dog Monster but even when I jump on him he just growls a bit & moves away. He gets to go for lots of excursions.

Thomas sleeps with his paw across his face when he doesn't want to be disturbed

He & Dog Monster are very tolerant of one another. Even when DM jumps on the bed to bark at the birds Thomas doesn't move

I had a bit of an adventure the other morning. I had woken up early. She said the bright moon made it seem like morning & sent me out. I was a bit bored out there & wondered if I could jump on top of the big fence between our garden & Anna-next-door's garden. So I did it but I couldn't get down!

I had to shout for the Assistant who laughed at me!!

I like playing through the bannisters

Here's me looking pretty cute I think

And on the stairs

  Thanks for reading. See you next time
Lots of Love from
Othello / OJ/ Jason/ Trouble

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Sick, Poo and Complaints 

Sorry about the headline Readers & also for the delay in writing. Summer is a busy time & I have to fulfil my Cat duties. I am outside a lot.
Also, I have had a complaint about my last post! I know, it's a bit of a cheek isn't it? It's OK though, it's only from the Assistant.
Get this - she complained that I made it sound as if she's always complaining!

I gave her a nice cuddle the other night & she really liked it. She says she realises now that Thomas isn't quite the Angel she thought he was & that he is actually quite determined to get his own way & to dominate!

She still adores him though.
He's clever, always cuddling her & purring.

I'm a bit more my own person.

I haven't owned up to having a poorly tummy last week resulting in sick on the carpet, & also the runny poo. (Sorry Readers, but these are her obsessions recently). I think it may have been that frog I ate but she didn't actually see me eat it so she has no proof. I am not admitting responsibility for yesterday's stuff on the carpet & the nice rug either. She says there's "always something" & includes Dog Monster in her grumbles as he's no Angel either.

We have some harmonious times. Sometimes the evening are very peaceful when we are all together. The Assistant likes it & ceases her complaining for a bit.

Here are pictures of both of us on the railway line at the back.
Sometimes we go out together.

This is where I mostly abandon the collars. I have now got rid of  4 - or is it 5? She has bought yet another big bell for me - she just doesn't seem to realise it stops me having fun with the birds!

She keeps on having "bright ideas". The latest today is she might shut both of us cats downstairs tonight so she can get some sleep. She thinks Dog Monster would then be able to choose where he sleeps upstairs, like he used to before we arrived, & he would be more settled. He sometimes wakes her up too, it's not just us. I think Thomas has a good meow on him & might just howl all night!

Dog Monster is still very spoiled in my opinion. Here he is with Anna-next-door who comes to play most mornings. She's nice to us too although a bit overfond of Thomas if I'm honest. She still calls me "Trouble" as in "Here comes Trouble" when I appear.

Someone said this looked like yin/yang cat

Thanks for reading. For all her complaining we have the Assistant under control. She feeds us plenty & my tummy is quite big now. She says we are good in some ways, like we come in when she calls us. She loves us really.