Sunday 31 July 2016

Getting Used to Each Other

It feels as if I am always reporting how the Assistant gets annoyed with me. This time it was more with Thomas. It's her own fault. She had high ideas that Thomas was very virtuous & he managed to give that impression until yesterday when she saw something she maybe shouldn't have.

The Assistant gets excited when we are calm & peaceful together, especially in the evenings. She & Dog Monster stay in her bedroom & we now sleep as near as possible. Easy to get up & meep at her to wake up early!

                  Thomas was sleeping in the sun this morning....... I went to bother him.

He told me to go away

So I went & found a bee to investigate

Thomas is dominating me! I let him as it's fun to have a friend. This is another occasion where I went to bother him while he was sleeping.
Can you see his tongue? He's washing my head!

I know some of you like to see the Dog Monster. Here is a picture from this morning. He is kept in by a fence now. Me & Thomas can go under to get in & out. Sometimes we jump over but Dog Monster can't.

Anyway, the thing she shouldn't have seen which caused a lot of trouble - you won't be surprised to hear that I started it by fetching a mouse. As Thomas was outside & seemed interested, I showed it to him. She had already chased me off twice & was about to again when Thomas picked up the mouse &, in no time at all, stuffed it in his mouth & ate it! The lot, no bits left. She saw it all.

He looks so cute mostly

She left us outside all afternoon! Luckily it was a nice day or I might have had to call the RSPCA, aka Anna-Next-Door, to let us back in.
Then for tea we only got a little bit of food, she said she was so mad we didn't deserve any if we ate mice. Well, I hadn't eaten that one. 
She said Thomas might be sick again. I let her blame him for any sick left around in-doors seeing as I get blamed for most everything else.

We're all friends again today. Until the next time!

Peace & Love

Love from Othello / Jason 

Thursday 21 July 2016

It's a bit hot!

Thomas & I have been lying around quite a bit these last few days.

I found a very comfy spot in a container she'd used for some special grass & a wild orchid! I haven't squashed the orchid.....

I've tried to be a bit closer to the Assistant. She keeps calling me The Lodger & says I use the house like a hotel. 
Well, I am a teenager!

Me & Thomas both like a bit of sunbathing. 
Dog Monster tends to stay indoors when it's very hot.

Thomas & Dog Monster have had a bit of a tussle over who uses the beds.

 The tartan one was a favourite of the Dog Monster's till we came.

But Thomas has taken it over

I sleep anywhere that's handy

Bye for now

Othello / Jason

Sunday 10 July 2016

Becoming a family

Three Months & not counting any more!

Now that Thomas has been with us for more than 4 weeks My Assistant has decided to concentrate on me a bit more. I am not that bothered & could do without the kisses but she thinks cuddling me often will be good for me.
She says I need "taming" whatever that means. She does call me names - "juvenile delinquent" is a favourite & I don't think that sounds so good.

She frets about Dog Monster who frankly is a bit of a wimp. Thomas has taken over his favourite bed after I took over another of his favourite spots early on. She tries to help Dog Monster but really he needs to help himself!

Me & Thomas both move around quite a bit but apparently Dog Monsters like routine & to have special places of their own. Perhaps in time he will come to love us, but not yet.

This photo of all three of us close up to the Assistant is unusual. She got very excited thinking it was a "breakthrough" of sorts but it was only a one-off.

We like to play on the stairs, especially at night & in the early mornings while we're waiting for the Assistant to get up & feed us.

On the whole we do alright. Thomas would always like more food but she says he has to have 'little & often' because he's a bit old. I love being out & have had a few mice since we last spoke. I don't always bring them home now as She disappears them if I do. I managed to lose another collar but she produced another one with a big bell this time, sigh.

Love from Othello 
(aka Jason, OJ, Tinkerbell, Twinkletoes  
& - as Anna calls me - Trouble)