Wednesday 18 January 2017

In which Dog Monster becomes Dog Hero

He's the Leader of the Pack!

It's official - Dog Monster is on our side. He saw off a big, black cat who has been scaring me & really annoying Thomas. The Assistant was so pleased with him. He's become a Hero to me & to her but Thomas doesn't really care. He says he was dealing with it.

This black cat lives on the other side of the tracks. 
The Assistant says it's the same semi-feral one that terrorised her, much-loved, cat Matthew more than 3 years ago. 
Matthew was a real looker - see here

The Black Bruiser is the reason we don't have a cat flap as he caused so much trouble. Eventually he broke the cat flap at the back which was in glass so really expensive to fix. 
Dog Monster (Hero) broke the one in the front door but that's another story!

Thomas is very laid back, as you know. He kept sitting near Black Bruiser on the railway track just watching him, facing him down.

This was all very well but it didn't help me, I was scared. The Assistant says it's because I don't have a vicious bone in my body - that's sounds like a good thing I think.

It was when the other cat came into our garden that Dog Monster (Hero) flew at him barking very loudly & scared him away.  

The Assistant was particularly pleased because this cat just stares at her with his yellow eyes & tells her he's not afraid of her.


Anyway, enough of all them. 
Here are some nice pictures of me - it's me you want to see isn't it?

Quite a few of the recent photos are of me sleeping. That's because The Assistant is limited. I was climbing a tree today - Thomas was watching me with great admiration. The Assistant said it was too far away to get a picture.

Can't get the staff.....

I like myself on the new duvet cover - sets off my shiny coat well don't you think?

As always The Assitant likes me to include a picture of all three of us together. It's not always like this because the Dog Monster is still a bit stand-offish &, dare I say, moody! 

But I am forgiving him now because of his heroic act.

 Me & Thomas have started really eating together now. The Assistant has been buying special food for each of us but we just swop bowls so she is giving up! 

That's enough for now. The Assistant tells me she's met some people who used to help me when I was in my foster home. More of them next time.

Lots of Love
Othello /OJ / Jason

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